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Child Obesity Research Proposal


Child Obesity Research Proposal: Coping with the Challenge!

Child obesity is becoming more and more serious problem throughout the globe. This problem is studied by many psychologists, doctors, sociologists, and educationalists.

Writing a dissertation paper on child obesity will require a lot of your efforts. But the first challenge you will face when getting down to your task is to write a child obesity research proposalthat should convince the committee that the research you are planning to make must be made:

What should you do before writing child obesity research proposal?

There is no doubt that the first thing you should do is to choose a topic for your research. Think what problem you want to investigate. It may be social or psychological aspects of child obesity; you may study the role of education in preventing the problem, research its reasons or consequences. You are free in choosing but do not forget that your topic should be actual and interesting for you as well as for your audience.

Of course, you should study the literature on the topic thoroughly before getting down to your child obesity research proposal. To be able to prove that your topic is worth researching you should know it very well. That is why you should find and study informational sources dedicated to your topic.

Besides, it will be very helpful for you if you formulate a thesis statement for your research. It means that you should make a sentence that will depict clearly what aspect of the topic you are going to focus your research on. It should not only define this aspect but also demonstrate your opinion concerning it. Firstly, such a thesis statement will help you put your efforts in a certain direction by making your research narrower. Secondly, it will help your audience understand your intentions and goals better as it will illustrate what exactly you want to research.

Writing a well-structured child obesity research proposal

Pay attention to the structure of your child obesity research proposal. Your proposal should contain the following parts:

  • Title;
  • Abstract;
  • Introduction;
  • Literature review;
  • Methods;
  • Conclusion.

Each of them should provide your audience with a piece of clear information about your prospective research.

What should your child obesity research proposal inform your audience about?

As a whole, your proposal should tell about:

  • The subject of your research;
  • The informational materials your research is based on;
  • The methods you are going to apply when researching the issue;
  • The terms that you are planning to make your research within.

Besides, you may also make some predictions regarding the results of your research. That will make your research intriguing.

Keeping in mind this information will help you cope with such a challenging task as writing a child obesity research proposal. In case of serious difficulty, remember to turn to our paper service.

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