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Document Based Essay Questions


Document Based Essay Questions: Structure of Answering

To succeed in document based essay questions writing you have to learn how to document ideas of other people, as document based essays presuppose documentation of other people’s thoughts. In this article, we are going to teach you how to document these very thoughts of other people and we shall present you a structure for document based essay questions answering.

Steps To Answer Essay Questions

  • Read out the question in a careful and thoughtful way. Find out what exactly this very question demands you to answer to. In order to do it we recommend you to underline the verb of your question for you could properly understand the question you have to answer in your document based essay questions answering.
  • Pay special attention to the conjunctions, which are presented in this very question. A lot of students face definite troubles with document based essay questions dealing because of not reading the task carefully. For example, find out whether you have, for example, to contrast and compare in your document based essays or you have contrast or compare while writing. This is a great difference.
  • Make a list of items, which you considered to be relevant mentioning in your document based essay questions answering.
  • While researching the problem of your document based essay questions, do not waste your time and underline the information, which you consider to be useful for your document based essay questions answering in order not to re-read it one more time.
  • Start writing your document based essay questions with an introductory paragraph. Thesis is the first sentence you should present in your work. Only after you have presented thesis, you can continue with writing more general statements.
  • The thesis should respond the question. It should be written in a compressed and clear way. If it is difficult to frame your thoughts, try to start your thesis with the help of the word “although,” this word may help you to build the thesis for your document based essay questions answering.
  • After thesis is stated this is high time to give some additional information related to the statement, you have made in the very beginning of writing and to prove your thesis with the help of this very evidence. This part is going to form the body of your document based essay questions.
  • In order to succeed with writing a concluding part, we recommend you to re-read your introductory part and to restate the same ideas in more defined way. The thesis you have made in the introductory part should be the main sentence in your conclusion to which you have come while writing your document based essay questions.

Need Help? No Problem!

If you need professional help with your document-based essay questions, you are welcome to get professional assistance right here! Yes, our writers are able to help you with any aspect of academic writing, from topic choice to final editing.