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Graduate Admission Essay


Graduate Admission Essay

An exceptional graduate admission essay can get the admissions committee to decide if they can accept you in to their institution. A bad one can get you out of their list. So tread with caution as you convince them to let you head the list of accepted students.

‘If you have got it, flaunt it’

There are times when you need to leave modesty at the door and make a dramatic entry, writing a really good graduate admission essay is one of those times. Yet getting down to it and completing your graduate admission essay in a way that is up to the mark, is not an easy task. Read on for a checklist on what works and what doesn’t as well as some useful tips on what can help you along the way.

Graduate Admission Essay: Points to Ponder

  • Does your essay sound positive and enthusiastic? To do this you need to dwell on your winning qualities and plus points as well as the real life experiences and people that helped you to shape them
  • Have you done full justice to the topic? A good graduate admission essay should begin in an interesting way in order to hold your audience and get them to clap. Remember that the same people are going to read hundreds and even thousands of admission essays so do them a favor and get interestingly down to your main point or thesis statement and then follow it up with enough evidence from authoritative sources to support your view
  • Discuss your long term goals and future plans while zeroing in on how, given an opportunity from the college of your choice, you will realize these goals
  • Tell a human interest story-you definitely do not want to submit a long list of your qualities without motivating the committee to read them.
  • Follow your introductory para up with interesting events and incidents from your life that has helped you to shape in to the ideal candidate that you are. Your graduate admission essay can talk about your favorite teacher or book that has had a deep and lasting impact on your life.
  • Plan a proper structure for your essay in which the introductory paragraph leads in to the next in logical insightful steps and ends with a concluding para that reaffirms what you had to say about yourself in the opening paragraph.

Follow these guidelines to come up with a winning graduate admission essay.